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Power of PFLAG Conference - Sponsorship

Power of PFLAG Conference

Power of PFLAG, the biennial conference of the PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois (PCNI) will be held at The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 8 AM to 3 PM.

Sponsor the Power of PFLAG Conference

Join us in supporting Power of PFLAG – the biennial PCNI Conference, our biggest and most impactful event!

Your sponsorship helps us continue our mission to promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals, their families, and friends through support, education, and advocacy.

How to Become a Sponsor

Becoming a sponsor is easy! Either email us at info@pflagilliois.org to learn more about how you can contribute and the benefits of your sponsorship, or click on the button below to pay for sponsorship online.

Thank you for considering a sponsorship for the Power of PFLAG conference. Together, we can make a difference.

Sponsorship Levels

Champion Sponsor – $5,000

  • Five guest seats at the conference
  • Featured article in Open Doors newsletter
  • Linked logo on conference website and social media
  • Logo displayed prominently on all conference materials
  • Verbal recognition during the event

Advocate Sponsor – $2,500

  • Two guest seats at the conference
  • Linked logo on conference website and social media
  • Logo displayed on all conference materials
  • Verbal recognition during the event

Ally Sponsor – $1,000

  • One guest seat at the conference
  • Linked logo on conference website and social media
  • Logo displayed on all conference materials
  • Verbal recognition during the event

Supporting Sponsor – $500

  • One guest seat at the conference
  • Name listed on conference materials
  • Verbal recognition during the event

Why Sponsor?

By sponsoring the Power of PFLAG conference, you’ll be joining a community of advocates dedicated to fostering a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. Your support helps us:

  • Supplement the conference operating costs – all to bring the best education and advocacy to members, partners, allies and guests!
  • Enhance honorariums for our speakers and facilitators
  • Host the Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus
  • Offer swag to extend the Power of PFLAG conference memories
  • Provide scholarships for attendees in need