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Everyone is welcome to our monthly chapter meetings. We regularly have interesting educational speakers and always provide an opportunity for both newcomers and old-timers alike to share and learn.

We strive to make meetings as welcoming as possible. All meetings are confidential; PFLAG is a safe place for you to talk, listen and learn.

Typically meetings have a sharing time where members talk about their experiences of having an LGBT loved one or being LGBT. There is often a speaker on an LGTBQ+ topic or time for socializing.

You never have to be a member of PFLAG to attend a meeting and there are no meeting fees to pay. You do not have to sign up ahead of time for meetings, however if a chapter meets virtually you will need to contact them in advance to be sent the meeting link.

PFLAG chapters generally meet regardless of holidays. Check with individual Chapters to confirm their schedule.

You can go to any meeting you wish.

You may not feel comfortable attending meetings closest to home or the time that chapter meets may not work for you. Chapters meet on different days throughout the month, so you can find the time and place that work for you.

If you have questions about which meeting is best for you to attend, please reach out.

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