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Information about the Chapters that are Members of the PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois.

You may attend meetings of any PFLAG chapter and you never have to be a member to attend.

  • PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois

    PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois

    PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois (PCNI) is a coalition of 18 local PFLAG chapters. PCNI organizes large common projects for all chapters in the area while chapters hold monthly meetings and local outreach events.

    If you are looking for a chapter to attend a PFLAG meeting, please see information about chapters listed below for details about meeting dates and locations.

    PCNI Mailing Address:

    P.O. Box 734
    Elmhurst, IL 60126

    Help Line: (630) 415-0622

    Email: info@pflagillinois.org
    Website: www.pflagillinois.org
    Facebook: PFLAG Northern Illinois

  • PFLAG Bolingbrook

    PFLAG Bolingbrook

    Meets SECOND Sunday 2-4 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    Friendship United Methodist Church
    305 E Boughton Rd
    Bolingbrook, IL 60440


  • PFLAG Chicago Metro

    PFLAG Chicago Metro

    Meets THIRD Sunday monthly– 2 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    The chapter is conducting hybrid meetings: some members gather in person at Center on Halsted and some participate in the meeting over Zoom or by phone. We email an invitation to potential participants about ten days before each gathering. If you’d like to receive our invitations, please contact us through the email you want us to use.

    Meetings Location:

    Center on Halsted (Senior Room)
    3656 N Halsted
    Chicago, IL 60613

    Mailing Address:

    Chicago Metro PFLAG
    C/O Center on Halsted
    3656 N. Halsted
    Chicago, IL 60613

    Email: pflagchicagometro@pflagillinois.org
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chicagometropflag/


    PFLAG Chicago Metro’s public service announcements on WGN radio recorded in 2022:

  • PFLAG PTI Chicago

    PTI (Parents of Transgender Individuals) Chicago

    Meets SECOND Thursday at 7:00 pm

    PTI Chicago is a confidential support group for parents and grandparents of transgender, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary offspring of any age. Thanks to Zoom, many of our members live outside the Chicago Metro area—from the “collar counties” to southeast lower Michigan and beyond!

    Together we read books and host speakers. We listen empathically to each others’ questions, stories, and concerns and then exchange deep knowledge, resources, virtual hugs, and of course humor. We support YOU so that you can best support your kids—whether they’re 5 or 45! To safeguard the privacy of our vulnerable families, PTI Chicago meetings are not open to everyone. We “screen” new members by asking you to share (confidentially, via email) basic information (gender ID, pronouns) about your trans loved one(s) and briefly describe your family’s trans journey. Then we shower you with invites and recommendations and welcome you to our vibrant, life-changing (and life-saving) community.

    We gather via Zoom on the 2d Thursday of every month from 7pm to 9pm.
    We hope to resume hosting hybrid meetings from the Center on Halsted some time this year.

    If you or someone you know has a transgender, nonbinary, or gender-nonconforming loved one and would like to join us for the first time, please e-mail pflagptichicago@pflagillinois.org

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    Meetings Location (when in-person meetings resume):

    Center On Halsted
    3656 N. Halsted (RM 200)
    Chicago, IL 60613

  • PFLAG Deerfield

    PFLAG Deerfield


    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    The Deerfield chapter is holding hybrid meetings (in-person at the address below and on Zoom). New members, please email for Zoom meeting instructions.

    Congregation BJBE
    1201 Lake Cook Rd.
    Deerfield, IL 60015



  • PFLAG DuPage

    Meets THIRD Sunday at 2:00 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.


    St. Paul Lutheran Church
    515 S. Wheaton Ave.
    Wheaton, IL 60187


  • PFLAG Evanston

    PFLAG Evanston

    Meets FIRST Tuesday at 7:00 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.



    FacebookTwitterInstagram – PFLAG Evanston (Northshore)

  • PFLAG Geneva/Tri-Cities

    PFLAG Geneva/Tri-Cities

    Meets SECOND Monday 6:30-8 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    PFLAG Geneva/Tri-Cities Founded 2024

    We will then meet the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30-8 pm starting on April 8th in Geneva.

    Please reach out to us at pflaggenevatricities@gmail.com for our location & to receive our chapter announcements.

    Our support meetings are designed to serve adults (18+) in our community, unless otherwise noted. Thank you for your attention to this. We will hold future events & speakers that will be catered as Family Friendly events.

    Chapter’s website: https://genevatricities.pflag.org/

    Please follow us on Facebook & be on the lookout for our website launch in the future.

  • PFLAG Grayslake / Round Lake

    PFLAG Grayslake / Round Lake

    Meets SECOND and FOURTH Wednesday at 6:30 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    LGBTQ+ Center Lake County
    10 N Lake Street Unit 103
    Grayslake, IL 60030

  • PFLAG Hinsdale

    PFLAG Hinsdale

    Meets FIRST Sunday at 2:00 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    The chapter is holding hybrid meeting – in person at the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale and on Zoom. Please email pflaghinsdale@pflagillinois.org if you are not yet on the mailing list.

    Unitarian Church of Hinsdale
    17 W Maple
    Hinsdale, IL 60521

  • PFLAG Homer Glen / Lockport

    PFLAG Homer Glen / Lockport

    Meets Last Tuesday, 6:30 – 8 PM

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    Cross of Glory
    14719 W. 163rd
    Homer Glen, IL 60491

    Email: pflaghgl@pflagillinois.org

  • PFLAG Homewood-Flossmoor

    PFLAG Homewood-Flossmoor

    Meets SECOND Sunday 2-4 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    PFLAG Homewood-Flossmoor was founded by area parents in 2023. Together, we aim to create a safe, supportive space for LGBTQ+ people and their families to come together and build community in Chicago’s south suburbs.

    We host monthly support meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month, from 2 to 4 pm, alternating between Homewood and Flossmoor, Illinois.

    • RSVP now for an upcoming meeting! We’ll email a reminder and location details a couple of days before each meeting.

    Visit our website to learn more about our chapter. You can also join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive the latest updates and news.

    Website: PFLAGHomewoodFlossmoor.org

    Email: pflag.hf@gmail.com

    Facebook: facebook.com/pflag.hf

    Instagram: instagram.com/pflag.hf

  • PFLAG McHenry

    PFLAG McHenry

    Meets SECOND Tuesday monthly at 7-9 pm at

    Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation
    5603 Bull Valley Road
    McHenry, IL 60050

    Email: pflagmchenry@pflagillinois.org

    Click HERE to add your email to the chapter’s mailing list.

  • PFLAG Morris / Grundy Area

    PFLAG Morris / Grundy Area

    Meets SECOND Sunday at 4-5:30 pm

    Morris Municipal Services Building Community Room
    700 N Division St
    Morris IL 60450

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    Email: pflag.morris.grundy@gmail.com

  • PFLAG Oak Park

    PFLAG Oak Park

    Meets FOURTH Sunday at 3:00 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    First United Church of Oak Park
    848 Lake St.
    Oak Park, IL 60301


  • PFLAG Ottawa

    PFLAG Ottawa

    Meets FOURTH Sunday at 2:30 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.


    Open Table United Church of Christ
    910 Columbus St.
    Ottawa, IL 61350

  • PFLAG Peoria

    PFLAG Peoria

    Meets on the FIRST Sunday of every month at
    Youth social group, “Q Collective”, meets twice a month.
    “Parents’ Night Out” support group for parents, meets monthly.

    100 Hillcrest Drive #E
    Washington, IL 61571

    If you are interested in attending any of these meetings, or would like more information, please email at pflagpeoria@gmail.com.

    PFLAG Peoria was founded in 2018

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

  • PFLAG Rockford

    PFLAG Rockford

    Meets FIRST Tuesday at 6 pm –  8 pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    The chapter holds additional meetings and events besides scheduled monthly meetings.

    Most meetings are held at the Liam Foundation’s office and gathering space, 1005 5th Ave, Rockford, IL 61104. Email the chapter to be added to the mailing list and receive most accurate information about each meeting.


  • PFLAG Tinley Park

    PFLAG Tinley Park

    Meets SECOND Sunday at 2pm

    Please note that meeting format (in-person, hybrid, or online) may change on a short notice due to public health considerations. If you are a new member, please email the chapter to get on the mailing list and receive timely announcements about meeting changes and online meeting instructions. This page may not always reflect the most recent information.

    Zion Lutheran Church
    17100 69th Ave
    Tinley Park, IL 60477